About the Foundation

The 4-H Foundation was created to provide financial support to Lewis & Clark County 4-H through the following:

  • Programs: to aid in maintaining, developing, and promoting the overall 4-H program and facilities in Lewis & Clark County through fundraising, investing opportunities and advertising for donations.
  • Projects: to provide financial assistance for educational activities and specific project development.
  • People: to support 4-H youth and volunteer leaders through scholarship awards, youth and leadership development, and educational activities.

2023-24 Foundation Board members:

 President  Joe Munis
 Vice President  Karyn Hamilton
 Secretary  Lisa DeWitt
 Treasurer  Janet Cerovski
 Youth representative  Zoe Schneider
 Community member  Patricia Williams
 Community member  Vacant
 4-H Leader  Erin Weisgerber
 4-H Leader  Vacant
 Council representative  Michelle Eckhart